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Plastic Packaging Tax ( P.P.T.)
Plastic Packaging Tax
Updated 1st April 2024 - New INCREASED Rate of P.P.T. Effective April 2024 - £217.85 per tonne **
This Tax will be applied to plastics not containing 30% recycled material.
The tax is aimed at increasing the use of recycled plastic - and reducing the use of virgin grade and single use plastic. By adopting these measures, the government hopes to drastically reduce the amount of waste ending up in Landfill sites.
Interpak switched to the new White Stratocell and Novostrat sheets " containing over 30% recycled material from 1st April 2022
This avoids all issues with the P.P.T. - as well as making the foam as "green " as possible as it utilises scrap product.
Initially implemented April 2022 at a rate of £200 per tonne
PRICE UPDATE : With effect from April 1st 2023 The UK Government will implement the Packaging Tax, at a New increased rate of £210.83 per tonne on all plastic containing less than 30% recycled material.
Following the UK government spring budget, notification has been received that the PPT value will be increased from 1st April 2024 to £217.85 per tonne determined by HMRC and in line with Customer Price Index (CPI).
The Plastic Packaging Tax is aimed at companies that produce plastic packaging, import plastic packaging, or import filled plastic packaging, where the plastic portion of the packaging contains less than 30% recycled content per component. This will be applicable to UK manufacturers and importers of plastic packaging meeting the threshold of 10 tonnes and over - and registration by these companies will become a legal requirement when they reach this threshold.
As we interpret the Webinar by HMRC - Key points as follows ;
* If the product or component is manufactured in the UK - The Manufacturer is liable to pay the P.P.T.
* If the product is imported to the UK - the company for whom it is imported is liable to pay the Tax
We have enquired of Our Suppliers of raw materials - who have advised as follows:
Polythene Bags / Tubing / Sheeting :
This is liable for PP Tax will be incorporated in Prices Quoted - The Manufacturers are liable to register for this and account for the Tax - and have advised they will pass this on by way of increased prices.
This will contain 30% recycled material and is therefore Exempt from P.P.T.
This will contain 30% recycled material and is therefore Exempt from P.P.T.
Packing Tapes
This will be liable to be taxed at £210.83 per tonne. The Importers are liable to register for P.P.T. and to account for it. They will no doubt reflect this in their prices from 1st April *
Polypropolene Strapping
This will be liable to be taxed at £210.83 per tonne. The Importers are liable to register for P.P.T. and to account for it. They will no doubt reflect this in their prices from 1st April *
Altaess Loosefill
This will be liable to be taxed at £210.83 per tonne. The Manufacturers are liable to register for P.P.T. and to account for it. They will no doubt reflect this in their prices from 1st April *
We will continue to update this page as more manufacturers and importers respond to our questions.